Golden Retrievers are beautiful, obedient, and make great family pets and hunting dogs. They also make great guide dogs for blind people, narcotic detection dogs, and even tracking dogs for finding missing people. Although there are many other dog breeds out there, Golden Retrievers remain one of the most versatile and most astonishing breeds.
Important questions
Where are golden retrievers from?
These dogs are originally from Scotland.
How long do golden retrievers live?
Back in the 70s some data showed that Golden Retrievers lived 16 or 17 years. Today, it tends to be 10 to 12 years.
Why were Golden Retrievers bred?
The Golden Retriever was originally bred in Scotland in the mid-19th century mainly as a working dog. That’s why they are so good at a multitude of roles: hunting dogs, guide dogs, etc.
Golden Retriever temper

Golden Retrievers are calm, well mannered, and extremely affectionate. They are easy to train, very intelligent, and great for those who need a companion. Goldens are also loyal to their owners, lovable, and great with children of all ages. They make great watchdogs.
If you are always on the go or never at home, you shouldn’t get a Golden Retriever. They crave attention and don’t do too well if you leave them at home by themselves for long periods of time. Goldens need attention, and desire to be around you at all times.
Are Golden Retrievers smart?
Golden Retrievers are very smart dogs. Stanley Coren, renowned canine psychologist ranks them 4th smartest dog breed out of 138 breeds.
Are golden retrievers good dogs?

Yes, they are. Due to the way they have been bred, they are very people-friendly. Golden Retrievers are perfect family pets but also great hunting companions and efficient guide dogs. We recommend you look into getting one!
Golden Retriever coat questions
Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?
No, no, no. These dogs are not hypoallergenic and they shed regularly.
Golden Retriever Shedding
Golden Retrievers will shed their hair throughout the year no matter how many times you brush them, especially in the spring.
Why are some Golden Retrievers red?

The theory is that some Golden Retrievers are red because of their Irish Setter heritage. As the breed evolved, this coloration likely became a part of the genetic makeup of the dog. The Red Golden is a purebred Golden Retriever, but it cannot compete in show rings because of its color.
Golden Retriever Beds
The ideal bedding for this breed is a natural fiber bed. Golden Retrievers love to chew things, so refrain from buying expensive blankets. They can chew or tear the blanket in no time at all, which would make an expensive blanket a waste of money.
If you plan to leave your Golden Retriever outdoors, you’ll need a proper doghouse. Inside the doghouse, you should provide your Golden with a blanket or some straw should it get cold. You can also use wooden shavings as well, as most Goldens tend to like them. Newspapers work as well but are far from comfortable – so please don’t!
Golden Retrievers can quickly become the best friend you have ever had – as long as you take care of them. Making sure that your dog has the proper bedding is a great place to start.
Are Golden Retrievers easy to train?
Yes, they are!
If your Golden Retriever is listening to what you say and doing well, you should reward it with a treat or praise it, as this is a positive reinforcement. On the other hand, if your Golden isn’t listening to you or doing the total opposite of what you say, you shouldn’t reward it at all – but instead scold him with a stern “NO”.
When training your Golden Retriever, timing is the most important factor. If your dog is doing something wrong, you shouldn’t wait or hesitate to correct it. When you see your Golden Retriever doing something right, you should praise your dog right way. If you don’t praise your pet instantly and instead wait until it stops, your dog will assume that you are praising it for stopping.
Golden Retrievers and Kids
Socializing your Golden Retriever puppy with kids early is great to make sure they know how to interact with children. Although they can be very friendly around young kids, they can still knock them over or tend to want to lick them in the face.
No matter how great your Golden Retriever may be around kids, you’ll never want to leave your dog and your kids alone. Even though Goldens have a great temperament, a child can accidentally poke him or pull his tail and cause him to retaliate via his natural instinct.
Common Medical Problems of Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers are generally healthy dogs, although they can get ill from time to time. If you take your dog to the vet regularly when you think something is wrong, your dog should be fine for many years.
Skin Allergies
Skin allergies are the most common medical issues with Golden Retrievers. Common allergens are flea bites, dust, airborne pollen, food, and even mould. Symptoms will vary, although they can include bits, scratching, licking, and even ear infections. A good diet is extremely important here, as it can help to prevent a lot of these problems.
The treatment of hypothyroidism involves taking the oral supplement for hypothyroidism on a daily basis. Once it has been treated successfully, the prognosis will appear to be normal and your dog will have a normal, healthy life span. This condition is somewhat common with Golden Retrievers, and can be diagnosed by your vet.
Eye diseases

Be warned: Goldens are known to have hereditary cataracts. Several families of the Golden Retriever breed have been known to carry genes for CPRA (Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy), which affects the retina, and can result in permanent blindness for Goldens at a young age. There are other types of eye defects as well, such as retinal dysplasia.
You should always have your Golden Retriever checked annually for eye disease as it can develop during any age. When you take your Golden to have him examined for eye disease, you should have a veterinary ophthalmologist do the exam. He has all of the necessary equipment, and the proper training needed to make sure that your dog gets the best examination possible.
Heart Disease
SAS (Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis) is the most common and widespread form of heart disease for this dog breed. If your vet or cardiologist detects a heart murmur, he will recommend additional tests for your dog.
Distemper Virus
The distemper virus is an airborne disease. This virus can be prevented by getting your Golden 3 different vaccinations between 6 and 16 weeks of age, along with a regular annual booster shot. The symptoms from this virus include fever, cough, diarrhea and vomiting.
Heartworms are very common in all dogs; these worms reach lengths of up to 12 inches in the heart and the lung arteries, leading to heart failure, a decrease in blood circulation, and even death in some cases. The symptoms with heartworms may not appear until it is too late, so you are better off preventing them with the correct heartworm medicines.
Heat stroke
You can prevent heat stroke from happening by giving your dog plenty of water, and providing shade for your dog. Avoid letting your Golden in the sun for an extended period of time.
The symptoms indicating heatstroke include a lot of panting or drooling, dark gums, a glazed expression, rapid pulse, and even vomiting. If your dog starts to show any of these symptoms, you should immediately take him to the vet.
Rabies affects the dog’s nervous system. Normally, dogs get rabies through a bite of another animal that is infected with the disease. Rabies shots help to prevent the disease. Your dog should get them at least once a year. The symptoms of rabies include seizures, aggression, and foaming at the mouth.
Tapeworms are normally caused by fleas, and affect your dog’s stomach. You can easily prevent your Golden from tapeworms with regular flea control. If the vet catches them in time, he may be able to kill the tapeworms with an oral medicine.
You can prevent your Golden Retriever from getting hookworms by cleaning its living area and keeping his skin clean. The symptoms that accompany hookworms include a dry coat, weight loss, weakness, and blood in the stool. You should immediately contact your vet if your Golden starts to show any of these symptoms.
Golden Retrievers’ activities
When you do any type of family activity, you should make sure that your Golden is included. Once a Golden Retriever is fully grown and becomes stout, it will enjoy many types of activities such as hiking, walking, hunting, jogging, and many other types of physical activity.
Be careful: these dogs will start barking if they get bored.
Golden Retrievers love water
All Golden Retrievers choose to get wet any chance they get. If you have a pond or any other source of water on your land, you can expect your Golden Retriever to get into it whenever it gets the chance.
They are also drawn to mud, and will get themselves dirty on a frequent basis. This means regular baths to keep your dog clean!
Taking Care of Your Dog in the Summer
During the summer, you’ll need to make sure that your Golden Retriever has plenty of moving air, shade, and water. They like the heat, although it normally isn’t good for them.
As long as you take care of your Golden and don’t let him over exert himself, it should be just fine even on the hottest days that summer can dish out.
Why Golden Retrievers are the best

Why are Golden Retrievers so cute?
Because golden retrievers are easy to please, they respond positively to obedience training. They complement this trait by being playful, affectinate and even-tempered.
Golden retrievers are very versatile and this is why they are so popular with people. They love being stimulated, learning and having activities with you.
Why are Golden Retrievers so nice?
Goldens are so lovable mostly because they’re super friendly. They will let you in close and will become your best friend. They love playing with you and don’t get angry often.
Ultimately, these dogs were bred as very people oriented companions. This is why they are so friendly with us humans.
Why do Golden Retriever noses turn pink?

The most common cause for a Golden Retriever’s nose to turn pink is changes in weather, especially cold weather. The name for this phenomenon is “snow nose” or “winter nose”. Basically, when the weather gets colder, tyrosinase levels decrease which leads to a loss of pigment in the nose, thereby turning it pink.
Why do Golden Retrievers smile?
There are various reasons why Golden Retrievers smile:
- The panting smile: they look happy but are mainly trying to cool down.
- The submissive smile: your dog will show its teeth in a goofy way. They want to show you they aren’t a threat to you.
- The aggressive smile: this one usually comes with a growl. It’s a warning to stay away.
To find out all about it, you can check this good article from JustForYourDog.
1 thought on “The Giant Golden Retriever FAQ List”
We have a Golden Retriever who is 7 years old, also a pond in our garden which she loves drinking out of but she doesn’t attempt to get into it