Dachshund Jackets and Coats
If you are anything like me, you absolutely love cute dog sweaters and coats. I keep buying super cute fleece coats and sweaters that simply
With the cold weather moving in, it’s time to think about how to care for your pets. If your area is struck by a severe ice storm, are your pets prepared to wait it out until the power is back on?
One major thing to remember is to keep your pets warm. Dogs don’t have coats to protect them so make sure they are warm at all times. At home, make sure you have some all-weather fleece blankets handy.
For the rest of the advice, check out our detailed articles below:
If you are anything like me, you absolutely love cute dog sweaters and coats. I keep buying super cute fleece coats and sweaters that simply
For those who have experienced the polar vortex or a cold winter, here are some vital actions to protect your dog.