Overall, potatoes are fine for dogs. They won’t benefit from eating too much starch, so don’t rely on potatoes any more than you have to in a pinch. If you’re making homemade dog meals, make sure that starchy foods like potatoes don’t take up a big percentage of the mix. The top spots should go to more protein and fiber-rich ingredients.
Can My Dog Eat Raw Potatoes?

Don’t panic if your dog has snagged some raw potatoes, but just keep an eye out for any kind of adverse reaction they may have, and make sure they can’t reach them in the future.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Potatoes?
Yes, in fact they should only eat them cooked.
Can Dogs Eat Human Potato Dishes?

We have an extensive list of human foods your dog can and cannot eat prepared just for you. Scroll on!
Can Dogs Eat Baked Potatoes, Jacket Potatoes, Potato Skins?
Yes. If you have half a baked potato left over, it’s fine to feed it to your pup instead of throwing it in the compost.
But: keep in mind that the skins of potatoes contain certain toxins that, in high amounts, could be problematic for your pooch. It shouldn’t be an issue if the skins are cooked, and this is an occasional treat.
Can Dogs Eat Roast Potatoes?
Although classic roast potatoes are usually prepared with the skins peeled off (and the skins are harder for doggos to digest), the higher oil content makes this less than an ideal choice.
One round of greasy spuds shouldn’t be too bad for them, but be mindful of not feeding your dog greasy leftovers very often.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Potatoes
Boiling potatoes is usually one of the least greasy ways to prepare them, which is great for your dog!
But: keep in mind that the skins of potatoes contain certain toxins that, in high amounts, could be problematic for your pooch. It shouldn’t be an issue if the skins are cooked, and this is an occasional treat.
Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes
The potato aspect of this is fine. But lactose intolerance is very common in dogs, while garlic and onions are simply toxic to their adorable tummies!

So if your recipe involves those savoury additives, go ahead and let them lick the plate if you want, but don’t slop a big amount into their bowl.
Can Dogs Eat Fried Potatoes, Tater Tots and Hash Browns
Fried potatoes of any kind are definitely too greasy to be healthy for dogs.
But if your furry friend has snapped some up behind your back, don’t worry, they should be fine unless they have specific digestive issues.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots and Potatoes
Boiled, steamed or baked carrots are very healthy for most dogs.
Carrots & potatoes don’t make a whole doggie meal, but if you’re wondering if it’s ok to let your dog lick those ingredients off your plate – go ahead!
Can Dogs Eat Potato Salad
What’s in your salad? If the answer is mayo, bacon, mustard, & celery, then sure, pass them a bit of leftovers. Boiled eggs (a common ingredient in potato salad) are also good for the health of your dog’s coat.
If there is dairy in your potato salad, or onions – be careful! Letting them lick the plate once is probably fine, but don’t do this often or encourage a taste for it too much. Onions are toxic for doggos, and lactose intolerance is common.
Can Dogs Eat Potato Chips

Chips are much higher in salt and oil content than other types of potato dishes, making them way less healthy for dogs. Although it’s not “toxic” for them to eat a small amount, it’s advised that you simply don’t encourage your pup to view potato chips as desireable treats at all. This is human food territory!
Lays Chips, specifically, are even worse, because of the extra processing those lil’ spuds have been through.
Can Dogs Eat Red and Russet Potatoes ?
All of these potato varieties are fine in small amounts. The one color you have to watch out for is green, which is not a healthy color for potatoes to be. It’s not very good for humans to eat potatoes that have turned green, either. Sweet potato peels are not toxic for your dog but it is hard for them to digest it.
Can Dogs Eat Purple potatoes ?
Indeed they can! Purple potatoes are some of my favorite potatoes. Mocsing, our dachshund loves them to. I give them as a snack or as a part of her main meal, mixed with her food. We asked our vet about it and this is what she had to say: sweet potatoes have fiber and vitamins B6, C and A. So this is OK in her book as long as we do not overfeed our dog.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes or Yams
Sweet potatoes are much higher in nutritional value than regular potatoes. That bright orange colour indicates a very high level of vitamin A, just like in carrots, which are also a healthy snack for your dog.
Sweet potatoes are a common ingredient in dog food. So, while they should be provided in moderation, (and in lower amounts relative to protein-rich foods), overall this is a YES.
This is where we must remind you that every dog is different! There’s always a chance that your pup has an allergy that most dogs don’t, so always watch out for digestive disturbances when introducing new foods.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Sweet Potatoes
No. Raw potatoes of any kind are not well digested by doggos.
Make sure they’re nice and soft before feeding them to your dog!
Can Dogs Eat Baked Sweet Potatoes
Baking sweet potatoes is a great, non-oily way to prepare them for your pooch.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato Fries

Fried potatoes of any kind are definitely too greasy to be healthy for dogs.
But if your furry friend has snapped some up behind your back, don’t worry, they should be fine unless they have specific digestive issues.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Sweet Potatoes?
If the sweet potatoes are already puréed, this can make them even easier for your dog to digest. While of course every dog is different, in theory this is definitely a choice ingredient for homemade dog food.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato Skins
Yes, in moderation.
Potato skins do tend to contain a toxin that doggos can be sensitive to, but these are drastically reduced when cooked. This is a common type of scraps for me and my partner to leave in our pup’s bowl.
Can Dogs Eat Purple Sweet Potatoes
Yes, purple sweet potatoes are fine, and also have more nutritional value than regular white potatoes.