Hot Dog Costumes Are Not Just For Dachshunds
I see you. I see you thinking that this is going to be an amazing costume for a wiener dog. Well you know what? Corgis in hot dog costumes are just as cute! I found this amazing Instagram shot of a corgi in an all dressed hot dog costume. What I liked about these costumes in general is that they seem super easy to adjust to your own particularly long doggo.
Millenial Dog Costume
Go for it, claim your millenial dog owner status with this Chewy dog costume!
Avocado has become a staple in the millennial diet, and now we get to add avocado dog costumes to our swag. This is not the first time we have seen this trend. A few years ago we saw bacon and egg costumes, which were a funny way to combine food items that were trendy with breakfast. We expect avocado dog costumes to be just as popular this year. Millennials are all about the food trends and these costumes show that we’re not afraid of poking fun at ourselves and our dubious fashion decisions.

Holy Pupper: Pope Costume for Dogs

I love the photo shoot version I found on Instagram! The costume’s length doesn’t really matter in this case. Find your dog a great little pope mobile and you are good to go! This pope dog costume is really well thought out for longer bodies like those of dachshunds or corgis. Full disclosure: I find this adorable but I wasn’t raised in a Christian household and I have no clue if this could be seen as potentially inappropriate for some folks. Let me know if you have a different perspective because I genuinely care. I want to make sure that what I find cute and funny isn’t in very bad taste for other people.
Funny Miniature Dachshund Costume Idea: Fuzzy Spider
Tired of hearing “I’m Batman” every Halloween? Let me introduce to the spider wiener. When people ask you what your dog is coming dressed, simply answer cryptically: your smallest and worst nightmare. I like the concept of spiders. I know that they are very useful in nature but I really don’t like them anywhere on me or near me. This is why this costume works. It’s taking something that’s not very friendly and making it cute and fuzzy.

Halloween dog styling tips you didn’t ask for:
If you have a corgi, you can rock this Halloween costume but I think that black or black and tan doxies will be the best dog types to wear this.
Jurassic Wiener: Dachshund in Dinosaur Costumes
I love dinosaurs. No I mean it. This picture is me doing my best T-Rex impression. Moscing was absolutely unamused. Next Halloween, I’m buying a t-rex costume make for wiener dogs.

The Greatest Duo Dachshund Halloween Costume Idea…if you like Dinosaurs of course
If you want to recreate your very own Jurassic Wiener Halloween episode, here are the costumes you will need: a cheap, ahem, I mean, a super affordable triceratops headpiece and a fancy raptor dog costume.
Lil Stinker: Perfect Costume if You Live in Montreal
Let this ravishing blonde bombshell present you the goods. If you think I am being sarcastic, I am not. This lady is everything I came to associate with a perfect product presenter. Maybe it’s because I grew up with the French QVC channel but I like these little videos 🙂 The wiener dog skunk costume is super cute. For those of you that can’t order there because you aren’t in North America, there’s always Amazon as a great source of cheap Halloween costume for dogs.
So, why do I think this is the perfect Halloween costume for a dog in Montreal? Because the city has skunks. They are cute although not as great as our dachshund…because of the whole wild and stinky animal aspect. They are low on the ground. They scurry in the trash and spray curious dogs. The smell is truly something else. Scare a few folks around town on that special day with a little skunk.
Puppacino Dog Latte Costume

Let me introduce you to the real reason the Starbucks trenta was invented!
It was a dog costume all along! There are many DIY tutorials to be found online but I think this one should simply be bought. No fuss, no measuring too much since there’s an adjustable strap for the body.
Corgi in banana: an Awesome Cheap Dog Costume Idea
The corgi in a banana costume can be done as a DIY. It’s incredibly easy. I think it’s a great idea because the main element is a thundershirt. Many owners I know could benefit from this cheap anti-anxiety solution so why not double it as a cheap Halloween costume with a little work.
If you want to buy it, there’s this incredibly weird situation: all of the dogs modeling the costume are not corgis but when you look online, it seems that all you see are adorable little corgis in banana peel costumes.

DIY Dog School Bus Costume : Awesome Idea for Your Corgi

I saw a really cute corgi school bus costume on the internet a while back. I remembered it and south a tutorial on how to make it.
How to make the costume
Instructables has an easy-to-follow tutorial for the school bus dog costume. If you are crafty and can follow directions well, you are qualified to make your dog’s costume (well, you are in my book at least).
The reason why I think this is a brilliant idea is that you can customize this costume to make it fun for everyone in the neighborhood. Add photos of passengers that are well known around town!
Dachshund in Lederhosen
This is a thing that I have been wanting to find for a while for my own dog. It’s rather difficult to find a halfway decent lederhosen costume for dogs. Here are two versions of the dachshund lederhosen costume:
This does look like a serious lederhosen for dogs This is more Oktoberfest dog costume.
Serious lederhosen for dogs vs Oktoberfest Halloween costume