Don’t let their small size fool you, a mighty warrior heart beats in this tiny dog. Beware of the diminutive beast that is the Chihuahua! OK, OK, maybe just let them live out their fantasy. These little dogs have big ambitions.
How Do You Spell Chihuahua?
Why Were Chihuahuas Bred?
Chihuahuas are believed to be descendants of another breed called Techichi, a small, mute dog kept by the Toltec people. Techichis are thought to have been bred since the 9th century in Mexico.
Why Are Chihuahuas So Small?
Chihuahuas are naturally small dogs. However, human intervention (selective breeding) have made them increasingly smaller.
How Many Teeth Do Chihuahuas Have?
42 teeth. Chihuahuas, just like other dog breeds, have 42 teeths. The big problem with these little dogs is dental issues. Be warned, these pups may cost you a pretty penny in dentist visits.
Why do Chihuahuas have bad teeth?

Periodontal Disease Is the #1 Health Problem in Chihuahuas. This breed is more likely to have bad teeth. We recommend you get a dog with a genetic warranty and invest in pet insurance to keep costs low.
Why Are Chihuahuas So Hard To House Train?
Yes, we know, Chihuahuas are notoriously hard to housebreak. There are 3 main reasons that could help you understand why Chihuahuas are hard to house train: emotions, scent and size.
They get their feelings hurt easily…

Chihuahuas are especially sensitive to any anger or annoyance you might have about potty training. They can even become frightened if you celebrate too loudly when they finally poop outside.
It’s all about smell
Lingering scents of pees and poos past done in the house entice your dog. If you do not clean these with a proper pet deodorizer, your chi will end up doing its business in the house on the regular.
They are small
Chihuahuas are small and have a big appetite. What comes in, must come out. If they eat a lot, they will need to go out a lot. On top of that, their smaller bodies mean that they get cold easily in the winter. That’s no motivation to go do their business outside!
Why Do Chihuahuas Shake?
Chihuahuas shake when they are nervous or upset. There is something that can help you figure out if the shaking is because your dog is emotionally affected: shaking that comes with barking or whining is definitely nervous barking.
However, you could also simply have a very cold dog. Just like us humans, dogs shiver when they are cold. Since your pet is smaller than most breeds and rather thin, it loses body heat quickly. Do not be a terrible dog owner if you live in a cold climate. Learn how to take care of your dog during harsh winters or a polar vortex! With a Chihuahua, this will most often mean staying indoors all winter long if you are in Canada.
Why Do Chihuahuas Bark So Much?

Chihuahuas tend to bark simply because they are bored. These high energy dogs tend to show they want and need activity by expressing themselves in high pitched mono-tone barks. If you identify their bark as a sign of boredom, invest in some toys: either the bouncy chuck balls that are light, small and easy to throw soundless around the house or some puzzles to keep them entertained and hone their cognitive skills.
Why Do Chihuahuas Howl?
Chihuahuas, like other dogs, howl as a form of vocal communication. It can be:
- a cry for attention
- a way to announce his presence
- a form of communicating with others
- A sign of separation anxiety
If you suspect your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, you should really check out our article on the thundershirt. It’s a natural and cheap way to help you deal with your dog’s separation anxiety without giving them any sedatives or meds.
Why Do Chihuahuas Snort?

It’s called a reverse sneeze and happens most often when your chihuahua drinks water too fast, eats too fast, is too excited from playing or getting treats. It’s not something specific to the breed actually, we noticed our miniature dachshund does it too.
Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep So Much?
On average, dogs need about twelve to 14 hours of sleep a day. Most of us would consider that to be a lot. The reality is that many Chihuahuas sleep because they are bored. You should look into some extra toys for your dog like a Furbo for example if you see they are clearly bored out of their mind.
Why Are Chihuahuas So Mean?

I, mighty warrior, lord of the rocky beach terrain, claim this spot of the beach!
OK, so here’s the deal, most Chihuahuas are mean because they are easily frightened by many things. Their diminutive size makes the world a scary place. Chihuahuas are aggressive in the hopes that it will scare bigger threats away. Frightened dogs can be loud, territorial and aggressive. Chihuahuas are fine if raised right.
Why Do Chihuahuas Have Seizures?
Chihuahuas are prone to recurrent seizures. It is a concerning problem with this breed today. You should really seek out more information on the topic before you adopt a chi. We looked into it and the most common reasons for seizures in this breed are:
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It is common in young puppies.
- Hydrocephalus is caused by an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain cavity. It is common in many toy breeds like Chihuahuas.
- Porto-systemic Shunt is prevalent in toy breeds. Also known as a liver shunt, it is a blood vessel that carries blood around the liver instead of through it. For Chihuahuas, the defect is usually one that’s congenital.
- Hereditary (or idiopathic) epilepsy: some Chihuahua breed lines are prone to hereditary seizures that are not caused by health problems.
For more information check out A Chihuahua Owner’s Guide to Seizure Disorders.
14 thoughts on “The Very Very Big Chihuahua Breed FAQ”
My 12 lb Chihuahua (Jacque) is almost 10 years old and on 4 meds. 1 med for allergies and 3 meds because he now has been diagnosed with CHF (Congested Heart Failure). One yr ago he had to have his 4 front teeth pulled (2 upper, 2 lower). They detected a heart murmur. It’s so difficult to keep him calm, not barking at every sound, in hopes to not get his heart pumping rapidly. I never imagined him not being around 15-20ýrs because he’s always been indoors and spoiled. He’s my baby and best friend. I’m all alone and he’s given me so much unconditional love and emotional support. I don’t know what I’ll do when he’s gone…
My paco of 11 years was diagnosed of heart murmur at age 10, five medications later, tests, scans, blood samples, etc… suddenly at age 11 just last year exactly on the 30th of August of 2020, his heart decided to stop and so he left me with a huge void in my heart, didn’t think it would come so soon but it happened so fast. Yes, he was my four legged teenager. He had attitude, he had temper, he had Tons of love, loyalty, he was my confident, my best friend, my model in photography as he put up with me and my camera on his face, but he liked it, as he would stand still until I took the shot. I carry him in my heart always and it is tough not to have him around. But my pain slowly is going away and just the great memories and the love I had for him remain. . My thoughts are with you.
I can relate! I have a Boston Terrier with Cushings Disease and I see her wasting away and CANT IMAGINE not having my only company! She gives me a reason to get up and out since my kids all left the nest.
Good luck to you and your little buddy!
Hi Koki my 13 pound chihuahua Choochoo passed away 4 months ago. I was devasted!! I have cried almost everyday since. I finally got another baby chi and it has helped a lot to have another little companion. Cherish every second with him while he’s still here and take lots of photos and videos so you can watch them when your missing him. I only have 2 videos and about 20 pictures. Right when I decided I better start taking videos and photos 2 weeks later he was gone. Love him all the time and make lots of great memories with the time you have left. But definitely getting another chihuahua and don’t be impatient when your looking wait until you find one that is love at first sight…. Good luck….David
I understand as my little girl past away in January after 13 years. She was my strength,my best friend and unconditional love Andy the night she died she was in her bed on the floor and I asked her if she wanted to sit with me as she had a bad day. Impickedherup and put heron my lap and she relaxed insistly I thought but I realized a few minutes later she came up to say goodbye. I’m lost without her Nd its been 8 months. So enjoy your dog awhile she’s here. They become a part of us. But it does happen.
We love our Chihuahuas! They have passed away from sickness or getting under the fence and hit by a car. We were always devastated but just went and got another rescue one or two and it helps us heal! They also are therapy dogs that have a natural ability to help my asthmatic husband breath. Love those babies!
I lost my little girl Chloe in June, she was 14. She was absolutely my baby and BFF. She was 13 lbs and such a warrior. She was a rescue and had been found after being hit by a car and was dragging herself down the street by her front legs, her pelvis was broken. She had a pin/screw in her hip and was very active after that, and then she got attacked by a raccoon in our yard and had 20+ puncture wounds all over her body. She likely saved our cat who was also outside at the time. She was so destructive her first year with me but then chilled and became the sweetest pup. I relied on her to be my burglar alarm and she was so loyal and sweet. Never got her completely housebroken tho; and she never barked until a full year after I had her. But after that she only barked for a reason. I miss her so much that I don’t know if I can ever love a dog as much as I loved my little puppy girl.
Mija Melanie rescued me in December 2015, when she was a year old. To say she’s smart is an understatement! For a few days she ran around barking at everything, so to help her feel like she belonged, I barked along with her. After a few days she settled down and only barks at the doorbell. Training was easy. I started by taking her out every twenty minutes. If she pottied, I would just say, “Nice job!” I told her that if I miss her ‘cue’ to please potty on the kitchen floor because it’s easier to wipe up. She used the kitchen floor only two times. Bathing is a good time for us and she allows me to clean her teeth thoroughly. She loves the Grandpeople and the Granddogs. Her best friend is Julia, a red nose Pittie and my youngest Granddog. They run, play, share chew toys. My adult children think of her as a little sister 😄. She’s definitely an extraordinary girl and I love her to the moon and back ❣️
I’ve had many Chihuahuas in my life and I’ve never had any problems house training any of them, but I also treat them like all of my other dogs. Chihuahuas don’t have to be these yappy little ankle biters. They can be well-balanced social pets.
I’m understand, Koki, I too often have similar thoughts. I rescued mine, but my health is not great. Cancer, my girl rescued me. Sonya, I’m sorry you list your sweet friend. These little one are so big on personality and love. There are many out there that need your love. I pray a new friend, as there are many that need you.
I totally understand I had my sweet baby girl she was mine and she didn’t care to let anyone know it..I had her from 6 wks old to 8.5 yrs she start seizures at 5 yrs old by the 8.5 yr Mark she had a brain tumor that was one of the hardest thing I ever had to do…she was my comfort after my husband passed away she’s always in my heart and always I my mind
I understand how you feel because I lost my little boy at the beginning of this year and it hurts so much him not being here He was 15 years old and a very good boy.They become attached to you and to them.
I just lost my 14 year old baby in July. He had had Congestive Heart Disease and a collapsing trachea (or it could have been esophagus) for 2 years. He was taking 4 meds twice a day for those two ailments. His little body finally crashed, but those last 2 years he had 3 encounters with our German Shepherds which ended up with 50 stitches and 4 broken ribs–twice. He never acted liked he was ever afraid of them. He continued with his usual schedule of barking, running, eating, and sleeping. I miss him so much it hurts. I dreamed the other night that he was standing in front of me, wagging his tail, while I petted him and told him I loved him. When I woke up, I was petting my husband’s head. Do I miss him? You bet I do…so much I cry. We are coping with absence by talking and laughing and generally reminiscing about his antics and personality. It seems to help. His name was KC (for the Kansas City Chiefs), he wore a Harley-Davidson spiked, Chihuahua-sized dog collar, and thought he was a Great Dane.
My Ringo is 6.5 yrs. Old. Intelligent, Loyal will not wear a leash ! He comes when I call him. He is Albino been extremely healthy. Breathe is horrible do feed him the best blue formula. Love him and his 4 lb. Daughter Tara alias [ puppers ]. Runt of litter.